How to set which filetypes LSPs are run on in Neovim

How to set which filetypes LSPs are run on in Neovim

Published on Tue Jun 25 2024
Authored by: ravihlb

You can use the filetypes config within lspconfig.lsp_name.setup({...}) to override the default filetypes on which a given LSP runs on.

For example, in my case I wanted the css_variables LSP to run on vue files, which it doesn’t by default.

This can be done by overriding the filetypes option on the setup function call:

    filetypes = {

Other options other than filetypes can also be overriden.

A full list of LSPs and their respective options supported by lspconfig can be found by running :help lspconfig-all, which is really useful for finding and overriding their default settings.